The Fair was in town again so of course we had to go for some yummy food and to show our support for my cousin who is in FFA

Little miss hanging out with the pigs!!!
Navi loving the
corn dogs
Navi loved the rides this year she was so fun!!! (can you tell Travis has lost FIFTY POUNDS!!!)
Trav looks amazing - please tell him Congrats! It's so funny - I was just looking at the photos, not reading, and I thought - man, he looks thinner! Glad you had a great time at the fair!
I haven't been to the fair in years! It looks like you guys had a good time. Oh ya, Trav is lookin good! :)
You are a dang photographer! Your pics are so professional looking.
Stac'-about the gardening - Trav is right it CAN be a ton of work. I would recommend looking at and maybe getting the book - that is where I am learning from, and it seems way easier than the old school way of doing it. Tell Trav it is i his genes - Grandpa Dono was an amazing gardener!
Do you have an email address??
Fun, fun! And, can totally tell that Travis is buff!
Hi Stacy,
The condo is still available if you are still interested. If not, I think I'll email my uncle who knows some people at his work who want them. Let me know either way and I'll plan accordingly :)
Also, Travis looks great, that's so exciting- 50 pounds! What did he do/is he doing?
Also loved your last post about marriage. So true. Thanks for the reminder.
cute post! i love it! i was just looking at the pictures and thinking that travis looked skinny and then i read that he's lost 50!!!! WOW! GOOD JOB TRAV! hope all is well with you... navi is growing up! hope youre feeling great! you look so cute!
Umm yeah, I was totally looking at the pics thinking..."wow, Travis looks really skinny, what's up?" Then you drop the 50 lb. bombshell. GOOD FOR HIM that is so awesome! Congrats to Travi!!! And of course, once again, adorable pics of your adorable girl. Oh, and hot sexy, skinny husband, hahahahaha.
TRAVIS!!! You freakin look awesome dude! keep up the good work.
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